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Melbourne Vocalists & Accompanists
Three Sopranos Music are Melbourne vocalists and an accompanist, providing music for your Wedding Ceremony or with music for the funeral of a loved one.
Individually each person is experienced in performing and arranging music. We offer simply beautiful Music.
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
00:00 / 01:26

Rosaleen O'Brien
Music Director
Georgina Docherty
Larissa Cairns
Emma Kate Tobia
With thanks to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Middle Park, Victoria
"Where words leave off, Music begins."
Anchor 1
What We Do
The Three Sopranos are four Melbourne based Musicians, each with many years of music experience.
We offer you a kind and professional connection through the liturgical process.
We do this with compassion and understanding.

Larissa Cairns - Emma Kate Tobia - Georgina Docherty
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